About Us


Background Story


ラッピングペーパーブランド「ARTS et MÉTIERS」もなにげない一言が後押しとなって誕生しました。










New ideas and stories are often sparked by a simple word.
The wrapping paper brand "ARTS et MÉTIERS" was born from a simple word.

Every Christmas. We need wrapping paper to wrap the many gifts we give to our relatives, but it is always difficult to find wrapping paper that we like. One day, I was thinking of starting my own wrapping paper brand. A casual question from my still small son who seemed to want to be an elephant in the future.

He said, "Hey, Dad? Do dinosaurs have birthdays?"

As soon as I heard that, I was shocked.

"Yes! Yes, there is! Dinosaurs have birthdays too (we just don't celebrate them)!"

What a pure and wonderful idea!
Every living thing has a day of birth. It is so obvious that I never once thought that it is also a birthday for that creature.
The words triggered a thought that went round and round in my head, and I realized that there is something universal about gifts.

・Birthdays will never disappear.
・Gifts will never disappear.
・The desire to give will never disappear.

When I started Wrapping Paper
This series of realizations provided a boost.
It is also a very important point as a business possibility.

We believe that if we have nice wrapping paper, it has the potential to maximize the desire to give a gift and the feelings for the recipient.

And fortunately, there are many wonderful designers and artists in Japan and abroad. We can continue to create an endless supply of wonderful wrapping paper by working together with them, without being particular about originality. We hope to set up such a scheme and help many people feel happy through wrapping paper.

About Brand Name


パリのメトロに ARTS et MÉTIERSという駅がありますが、これはフランス語で工芸という意味。

ただ工芸の意味を探ると「実用品に芸術的な要素を融合したもので、観賞目的というよりは実用性が重視されたものである」ことから、ラッピングペーパーはもっとデザイナーと組んで、よりデザイン性の高いものを作るべきだという最初のコンセプトにもマッチするので、ブランド名を「ARTS et MÉTIERS」にしました。

このブランド名は、この先もし方向性に迷ったとき、判断に迷ったとき、これは我々が目指すところの工芸品ARTS et MÉTIERSか?と自らに問うことで目指すべき方向性を示してくれるコンパスような役割にもなってくれることを期待しています。

そのアップデートしていくための担い手としてもARTS et MÉTIERSは、デザイン性の高いラッピングペーパーを作っていきたいと思います。

There is a metro station in Paris called ARTS et MÉTIERS, which means "crafts" in French.
The name of this station is derived from the fact that it is the closest station to the Paris Arts and Crafts Museum. The word "Arts and Crafts" in the name of the station surely has a nuance that is different from that of the Japanese language, and I feel the sense and taste unique to foreign languages.
In Japan, the word "kogei" is associated with traditional crafts, so it might be said that wrapping paper is not a craft.
However, if you look into the meaning of "kogei" (craft), you will find that it is "a fusion of artistic elements into a practical product, with an emphasis on practicality rather than ornamental purposes," which matches our initial concept that wrapping paper should work more with designers to create more design-oriented products, so we decided to name our brand " ARTS et MÉTIERS" was chosen.

The brand name was chosen so that in the future, when we are unsure of our direction, when we are unsure of our decisions, we can ask ourselves, "Is this the kind of craft ARTS et MÉTIERS that we are striving for? We hope that the company will serve as a compass to show us the direction we should aim for by asking ourselves, What is it that I want to do with this?

In addition, now that designers are able to create and sell their own products, it is time to update the preconceived notion of the word craft.
ARTS et MÉTIERS will continue to produce wrapping paper with a high level of design as a leader in this update.